Self-Forgiveness As A Leader

January’s blog theme has been about preparing you to lead successfully in 2020. We’ve covered the critical competencies of goal setting, self-accountability and visioning for success. The final key leadership competency is about self-forgiveness, a trait of humility and compassion. The practice of self-forgiveness offers grace when you fall short and inspires resilience to dust yourself off and move results forward. 

Why Self-Forgiveness?
If you’ve been a perfectionist for much of your career, it may be difficult to accept failure and shortcomings. While being dedicated is a worthy value, overworked managers often put too much pressure on themselves. This can stifle creativity, lead to chronic stress and end in results that fall short of your goals. Therefore, offering yourself forgiveness enables you to move upward and onward. Here’s how… 

Practicing Self-Forgiveness 

  • Take time to look within. You’re usually on a deadline and rushing to the next task to check off your list. Use introspection to see where you can improve time management skills and leadership effectiveness by asking yourself the right questions. 

  • Stop negative self-talk. Most successful leaders know that mistakes happen. They also know that positive thinking goes a long way to instilling confidence and motivation to achieve. You can stop negative thoughts from entering your mind through visioning for success, meditation or simply taking time out for yourself. 

  • View mistakes as learning.  You can kick yourself for making mistakes, or you can be the leader that examines what really happened.  Taking ownership of mistakes and shortcomings can provide insight into what went wrong, learn from it and practice self-forgiveness. 

  • Model forgiveness. Since you’re getting ready for a powerful new year, it’s important that your employees see you forgiving them and yourself when results don’t go as planned. The reality is perfection is unattainable. Show your best self to others by modeling self-forgiveness

I know you’re focused on achieving great results through intentional goal setting, self-accountability, visioning and self-forgiveness this year. While these practices take time and attention, they are building blocks to set you up for your best year yet! Reach out to me if you’re ready for guidance to be all you can be in 2020.