Mid-Year Employee Performance Check-in


You’re at mid-year and in the lazy days of summer. It’s time to conduct employee performance check-ins. I talked about checking in on goals  last month.  The reason it’s the best time for this important management practice is to set your team up for success by year end.  Scheduling regular monthly (or even quarterly) check-ins can also avoid surprises at year-end. Set the tone for accountability with the following practical tips for performance discussions.
The Importance of Employee Performance Reviews

  • It’s not an annual affair – real time feedback needs to be occurring throughout the year.
  • You can course correct performance to finish the year strong.
  • You’ll discover where your employees’ actual performance stands.
  • Your team will feel accountable and know they are being measured fairly.
  • You get a clear picture of who your star performers are!

Employee Performance Review Preparation

Many employees (and managers) dread performance reviews. With proper planning and fore thought, you can make the experience a positive one. Here’s how to ease into the review and have an honest conversation.

  • Schedule time slots at least 2 weeks in advance and let team members know what you expect them to prepare.
  • Show appreciation for their time and efforts. Most employees appreciate recognition from their leaders.
  • Show enthusiasm for progress made so far. Give honest feedback on areas for improvement.
  • If business performance is favorable for the year, share the good news with the team. This spurs motivation for the last six months.
  • Show humility and transparency. If you’ve fallen short in your own performance, open up to your team so they can “see behind the curtain”.

Consider this a refresher for those of you planning your one-on-one discussions with your employees in July. Reach out to me for leadership development and leadership coaching tips to connect positively with your team members.